Samsung Experience 9.0 Android Oreo update brings redesigned and standardized emoji

Samsung is finally bringing updated and redesigned emojis set with its Experience 9.0 based on Android 8.0 Oreo update. The new emoji looks consistent and standard with other sets of manufacturers like Google and iOS and apps like Facebook and Twitter.

In a detailed blog post, Emojipedia has broken down the most notable changes to Samsung’s own set of emoji that are now available on the Galaxy S8 and S8+ with the Android Oreo update. However, there are still few emojis that are wildly different from other vendors, good thing is that the count is now less. Example of the new emojis set is the women/men with bunny ears, rolling eyes and more.

The new emoji won’t have an angled, tilted face, and almost all of the facial expressions have now been tweaked. Animal emoji like the cat has also changed colors, and changes have been made to popular emoji like the nail polish hand, man dancing, and alien. The Samsung Experience 9.0 is rolling out as a part of the Android Oreo update to the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus.


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