Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 5 Pro smartphone in India last month along with the Redmi Note 5. We recently brought you the first impressions of the smartphone, here we have the camera samples from the phone. The Redmi Note 5 Pro has a 12-megapixel rear camera with Sony IMX486 sensor, PDAF, f/2.2 aperture and large 1.25μm pixel size. It has a secondary 5-megapixel camera with Samsung sensor, 1.12μm pixel size and f/2.0 aperture camera to capture the depth information. It also comes with LED flash. It has a 20-megapixel front-facing camera with Sony IMX376 sensor, f/2.2 aperture, LED flash and 1080p video recording.
The camera UI is familiar with other Xiaomi smartphones with flash and HDR toggles on the top, front camera toggle on the bottom along with option to select modes (Panorama, Timer (3 to 10 seconds), Audio trigger, manual mode to adjust white balance and ISO (100 to 3200), Straighten, Beautify, HHT (Hand held twilight), Scene and Tilt-shift to blur a part of an image. It has image preview window, camera and video buttons on the right side. For the front camera, it has beautify mode, pro mode and smart mode that guesses your age using facing recognition algorithm.
Coming to the image quality, daylight shots came out good. HDR shots are better, and macro shots are good as well. Dual camera portrait shots were good and the edge detection was decent. Since the sensor has 1.25μm pixel size, low-light shots are pretty good. Images with flash are good and the flash is not overpowering.Daylight front camera shots are good, and the low-light shots are good as well, thanks to the LED selfie light. For the camera the camera is pretty good.
Check out the camera samples (Click the image to view the full resolution sample.)
It can record videos at 1080p resolution at 30 fps, even though the chip supports 4K. It also has electronic image stabilization (EIS), which is good. We will be adding more samples and video samples soon.