Samsung-owned HARMAN International has launched JBL Free earbuds wireless in-ear headphones in India. These were introduced at the IFA last year, has built-in microphone to take calls at the touch of a button, comfort-stay secure fit ergonomics and is sweat and water-resistant. It promises 4 hours of battery life and additional 20 hours with the charging case. It also offers an entire hour of music playback in just 15-minutes.
Highlights of JBL Free earbuds
- Bluetooth 4.1 technology
- Hands free calls
- Comfort-stay secure fit ergonomics
- Comfort Fit Ear Tips (3 sizes: S/M/L)
- Secure Fit Silicone Sleeves (2 sizes: M/L)
- Water-resistant (IPX5 certified)
- Smart charging case
- Battery life of up to 4hrs on the headphones, 20 hours of backup from the smart charging case
The JBL Free earbuds comes in black and white colors, is priced at Rs. 9,999 and is available from, on various online and retail channels and at 350 key Samsung brand stores across the country.
Commenting on the launch, Sumit Chauhan, Vice President – Lifestyle Audio, HARMAN India, said:
JBL Free truly steps up the listening experience with its superior sound, versatility and sleek looks. The cord-free earbuds encourage music lovers and executives to break up from wires and neckbands for truly unrestricted movement. We are excited to introduce the new in-ear headphone to add to their active lifestyle, give them high-quality audio and the freedom to experience audio in a completely new way.