Chrome OS to get support to run Linux applications

Chromebooks Linux

Google announced that it is bringing the ability for Chromebooks running Chrome OS to run Linux applications. It is bringing the ability to code on Chromebooks, be it for building apps or writing a quick script. 

While Chromebooks already have access to apps from the Google Play store, Google is aiming to expand it by bringing access to the tools that create it. With support for Linux, developers will have the ability to create, test and run Android and web app for phones, tablets and laptops all on one Chromebook. You can run code in your favorite coding language, launch projects to Google Cloud with the command-line. Linux will run inside a virtual machine that was designed from scratch for Chromebooks.

Linux apps can start with a click of an icon, windows can be moved around, and files can be opened directly from apps. The preview of these new tools will be released on Google Pixelbook soon.


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