A weird bug on WhatsApp is allowing blocked parties to send messages and view profiles according to reports of few users. The issue seemed to be a server-side bug and was first highlighted by renowned tipster WABetaInfo on Twitter. However, WhatsApp spokesperson has acknowledged the issue and said: “We are aware of the issue and are rolling out a fix.”
Obviously this is a very serious issue, so it should be fixed very soon.. but I hope WhatsApp is aware of it 😥 there are many tweets on Twitter about this problem if you try to search “whatsapp blocked”..
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) May 23, 2018
There were multiple reports from users on Twitter regarding the weird bug on WhatsApp which indicates that this isn’t OS dependent or region related as it is from the server-side. Though the company said to have started working on fixing the issue, it didn’t mention any timeframe for the same and might be a while before it rolls out. There is also a possibility that the company might fix it from the server without rolling out an app update.
WhatsApp in the recent times has rolled out multiple features including the group video calling, group catch up, admin controls, hide/unhide media from the gallery, Facebook and Instagram integration, request account information and more. For now, the only way out of this weird bug is to remove the blocked contact from your contacts list and configure Privacy Settings on “My Contacts” and mute the blocked contact’s chat.