The Nokia N8 – through @3dmg’s Camera!

Let me introduce you to Markus Gassenbauer. Markus is a very good friend of mine, hobby photographer (far more advanced than me) and interested in all kinds of Tech. We meet up every now and then for some tech talk and although he has an addiction to Android, Markus also likes Nokia. He was one of the lucky Guys to get invited to one of the Nokia N8 Demo evenings with me and was very surprised of how well it works. Although he doesn’t blog anywhere, he voices his Opinions on Twitter, where you can follow him as @3dmg. Last Sunday was one of the days where i met Markus again, to have a closer look at my orange Nokia N8. This resulted in a picture Gallery he did with his Canon EOS 550D, and what can i say, i let the pictures speak for themselves! Fantastic Stuff!

Make sure to check out the stunning full resolution pictures over on Markus’ Flickr Gallery!

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Author: Michael Hell

Michael Hell, certified geek, mobile jedi, amateur photographer, music addict. Down to earth and always up for new challenges. Also blogging on, which is my private blog for things like Photography and personal things :) Feel free to add me on or