Samsung today announced that it will support three more projects from its in-house C-Lab (Creative Lab) start-up incubation program. It is now adding AGWART, CATCH FLOW and FOR MAKERS, bringing the total to 34 C-Lab alumni projects fully-fledged start-ups since 2015.
The first in the list is the AGWART created ‘PLANTBOX,’ it is an indoor smart garden solution that enables users to easily grow vegetables and herbs at home. It consists of a smart greenhouse similar to a small refrigerator, seed capsules, and an app. It requires users to insert the seed capsule of choice and it automatically detects the species of the seed and optimizes its internal environment including lighting, temperature, humidity, air quality and nutrients.
CATCH FLOW developed ‘S-Ray’ is a portable directional speaker. The company says that unlike conventional speakers which spread out the sound in all directions, S-Ray focuses on sending the sound towards people so that can hear it perfectly. CATCH FLOW was able to build a smaller, lighter device and compared to previous solutions, S-Ray also runs on lower power without impacting volume or sound quality.
FOR MAKERS are the force behind ‘AppBee,’ a research platform that connects clients and users based on mobile usage patterns. Once users’ opt-in, it predicts their characteristics by analyzing their mobile usage patterns and automatically matches the users to suitable clients through AI-based algorithms.
Jaiil Lee, Vice President and Head of Creativity & Innovation Center at Samsung Research
During the past three years, 34 start-ups with 130 employees were spun off from C-Lab and they have hired an additional 170 people from outside of Samsung. We will continue to give opportunities to our employees to realize their innovative ideas as an entrepreneur in start-ups accelerated by Samsung.