Uber patents hint at AI system that can detect erratic behaviour in riders

Uber seems to be patenting on a new technology that will use the AI system to detect any erratic behavior in riders. Furthermore, the AI can identify user’s drunken behavior to accommodate them before they get into the cab. This is the system mentioned by Uber’s Trust & Safety team in 2016 and is now published yesterday.

Perhaps this technology will track how someone typically uses the app like any typos, how precisely they click on buttons, their walking speed, and the way their phone is typically held or dropped on any given day. Factors like these will be plugged into Uber’s planned algorithm, along with details about when and where the ride was requested. The technology will also observe if the ride is required from a location that is loaded with bars.

An Uber driver who is set to pick up the tipsy rider might get a notification on their phone beforehand. A passenger may only match with drivers who are trained or experienced in handling people in this state, or the rider might be prevented from joining a carpool. It remains a puzzle as to how Uber would implement this technology with possibilities like assault and abuse at the hands of Uber drivers which we have seen over the past four years.

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