Apple post the release of iPhone X faced criticism from a section of users for its price tag. Following the backslash, Apple said to be developing production plans for its next iPhones stressing cheaper liquid-crystal display based on the consumers’ sensitivity to the price of smartphones, according to a latest report from WSJ.
Apple is hoping that the LCD models would make up for the majority of the iPhone sales that would be releasing this fall. It is rumored for quite some time that Apple is prepping a low-cost 6.1-inch iPhone model for price-sensitive markets. But the new interesting thing is, Apple is, in fact, preparing a larger portion of the models than analysts had anticipated. Interestingly, Apple is said to use the displays next year as well, according to sources involved in the matter.
Production planning suggests that the transition to OLED panels is likely to be slower than many in the industry believed a year ago, and according to analysts, the iPhone X with OLED display demand was weaker than their initial forecasts and is mainly due to its price tag at $999. Apple’s top-selling models still pack LCD panels which include the iPhone 7, iPhone 8 starting at $699, and the 8 Plus starting at $799.