Samsung will launch the Galaxy S10 flagship smartphone next year and rumors started flowing in months before the launch. Latest we hear is that the Galaxy S10 will pack triple rear cameras, being a 10th-anniversary flagship, we expect nothing short from Samsung to grab all the attention. Since the S10 might come in different sizes and variants, the biggest of all will sport a triple camera setup at the back.
According to a new report, the Galaxy S10’s top model could have a 12-megapixel Dual Aperture lens, similar to the Galaxy S9, another lens with a 123-degree 16 MP (f/1.9) wide angle lens, and a 13 MP f/2.4 lens on the other. It is also possible that the mid-sized Galaxy S10 could also feature “super wide-angle” lens instead of the telephoto lens.
However, the wide angle lens won’t have either autofocus or optical image stabilization, much like how the LG setup is. This also gives consumers a reason to opt for the biggest Galaxy S10 model. Although, none of the details are confirmed yet, and things could change by the time the Galaxy S10 arrives. On the same note, it is also known that Samsung Galaxy S10 might also pack an in-display fingerprint sensor. Now according to the new report, the company is said to be designing three Samples; Beyond 0, Beyond 1, Beyond 2.
The in-display fingerprint sensor will be installed on Beyond 1 and Beyond 2 models, while the Beyond 0 is an entry-level model and is being designed to place the sensor on the sides of the flagship phone. When you hold the phone, the sensor might be present in the place of the right thumb. The in-display sensor is said to be priced at $15 which is 17 times more costlier than the typical sensor which is $2. Qualcomm seems to be the supplier of the under-the-display sensors.