UPDATE : Contest is now closed . We will be announcing the winners shortly
Guyz and Gals ! Valentines Day is on Saturday
FoneArena is going to give away 2 free mobile accessories to the FoneArena Valentine Dude and the FoneArena Valentine Babe
How do you participate ?
Reply to this post in the comments section
Write your Proposal (imagine you’re proposing to your Valentine) in under 160 Characters ! (jus like a sms)
The best proposal by a Guy will win a free mobile accessory and the title of FoneArena Valentine Dude 2009
The best proposal by a Gal will win a free mobile accessory and the title of FoneArena Valentine Babe 2009
( we are not telling whats the prize .. keep guessing )
No Spamming
No Vulgarity
Multiple Comments dont increase your chances ..