Sony India today has launched its first Dolby Vision capable UBP-X700 Ultra HD Blu-ray Player. The company claims that it can produce myriad colors, greater dynamism and sense of realism as compared to standard HD players. The UBP-X700 supports HDR10 and Dolby Vision via a Firmware update.
The player is capable of 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray playbacks and optimized the way the HDR picture is delivered from the player to the TV screen. The UBP-X700 supports HDR10 and Dolby Vision for ground-breaking detail, color, and brightness. However, it will be available soon via Firmware update.
The HDR10 signal contains up to 100x the brightness of a standard (SDR) signal. The 4K processing ensures a cinematic experience by bringing over 8 million pixels to life and a picture quality that is four times richer than Full HD. It also supports 4K streaming services including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube.
The HDR-SDR conversion technology intelligently scales HDR’s ultra-wide brightness range into an SDR image. It also supports the DTS-X support so you can get the best sound output from your speakers. The UBP-X700 Ultra HD Blu-ray Player is already available in select Sony Centers across India and is priced at Rs. 27,990.