Update – August 23: Qualcomm India has confirmed that the phone will be powered by a Snapdragon Mobile Platform. The Realme 1 was powered by MediaTek Helio P60 SoC. Realme also confirmed that the phone will feature a 6.2-inch display with 88.8% screen-to-body ratio, compared to 6-inch display with 75.7% screen-to-body ratio on the Realme 1. Based on Flipkart’s teasers the phone will be exclusively available with them. The Realme 1 was launched exclusively on Amazon.in.
Earlier: After a teaser, Realme has announced that the Realme 2, successor of Realme 1 in India on August 28th. The company already teased that the phone will have a notch and feature dual rear cameras. The company today confirmed that it will pack a 4230mAh battery compared to the 3300mAh battery in the predecessor.
We had already seen a render of the smartphone that revealed its design. This also revealed a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor that the Realme 1 lacked and a glossy back with a symmetrical design, similar to the predecessor.
Last month Realme announced that it will be an independent brand and Sky Li, the former Vice President of OPPO will head the company. We should know more specifications in the coming days, and the price when it is launched next Tuesday.