Google data-saving Datally gets new bedtime mode and emergency bank

Google’s data-saving Datally app is getting a new update that brings features like new bedtime mode and emergency bank. The bedtime mode helps you save even more data while you sleep, and Emergency bank lets you put aside some balance just in case when you run out.

The ‘Bedtime mode’ can be controlled with just a simple start and end time, and it also lets you pause when needed. This combined with Google’s Wellbeing dashboard will essentially shut down at a time of your choosing forcing you to sleep and save data at the same time.

As for the emergency bank, you can set aside some balance just so you can use it in case you run out of the balance. You can also set an expiry date to match with your next billing period. The update is already rolling out and in case if the update hasn’t hit you, download the apk and side-load it manually.


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