Samsung announced the Galaxy Watch at its New York event earlier this month in Wi-Fi and LTE versions. Now the company started taking pre-orders for the LTE version of the smartwatch in the U.S. that would head to T-Mobile. Even this is available in 46mm and 42mm options with 1.3-inch and 1.2-inch (360×360 pixels) Circular Super AMOLED Always On Display with the latest Corning Gorilla Glass DX+ protection and has rotating bezel.
Samsung Galaxy Watch Specifications
- 1.2-inch / 1.3-inch (360×360 pixels) Circular Super AMOLED Always On display,Corning Gorilla Glass DX+ protection
- 1.15GHz Dual-Core Exynos 9110 processor
- 768MB RAM (Bluetooth) / 1.5GB RAM (LTE), 4GB internal memory
- Tizen Based Wearable OS 4.0 (Compatible with Android 5.0 or later and iPhone 5 and above, iOS 9.0 or above)
- 5ATM + IP68 water resistance, MIL STD 810G
- Dimensions (46mm): 446 x 49 x 13; Weight: 63g (without strap)
- Dimensions (42mm) 41.9 x 45.7 x 12.7; Weight: 49g (without strap)
- Sensors: Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Heart Rate, Ambient Light, Barometer
- 4G LTE (Optional), Bluetooth 4.2, Wi-Fi b/g/n, NFC, A-GPS/Glonass
- 472mAh (46mm) / 270mAh (42mm) Li-ion battery with wireless charging (WPC Inductive), up to 4 days of battery life
The Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE 46mm version comes in Silver and costs $379.99 (Rs. 26,550 approx.) in the US and the Galaxy Watch LTE 42mm in Midnight Black and Rose Gold options cost $399.99 (Rs. 27,950 approx.). It is already available for pre-order from Samsung Shop online in the U.S. for T-Mobile and will ship starting from the week of September 2nd. Those who pre-order will get a free Urban Dress Band / Essex Leather Band / Urban Traveller Leather Band depending on the version you order.