After rumors, Qualcomm has officially confirmed that its upcoming flagship mobile platform will feature a system-on-chip (SoC) built on the 7nm process node. It also hinted that it will be 5G-capable and can be paired with the Qualcomm Snapdragon X50 5G modem to power premium tier smartphones and other mobile devices.
Qualcomm has begun sampling of its upcoming flagship mobile platform to multiple OEMs developing next-generation consumer devices. It also said that it will be power-efficient with on-device AI, as rumored. It will offer superior battery life, and performance while extending globally to innovative technologies, solutions, experiences and applications in automotive and IoT. A recent report said that it be called Snapdragon SM8150 instead of 855, as rumored earlier.
Qualcomm’s next-generation flagship mobile platform is expected to power first 5G mobile hotspots by the end of 2018, and smartphones in the first half of 2019. The company will reveal more details about the SoC in Q4 2018.