Flipkart has announced ‘Superr Sale’ on August 25th. Today Asus has announced that the Zenfone Max Pro (M1) 3GB/32GB and 4GB/64GB variants will get a Rs. 500 discount during the sale. ZenFone 5Z buyers can avail extra Rs. 3000 off on exchange and additionally, Rs. 2000 off on select bank card.
Flipkart will also offer up to 70% discount on TVs, up to 80% off on Laptops, Audio, Camera, Wireless headphones for under Rs. 2,999, up to Rs. 40,000 off on DSLRs, and more. It will also hold Rush Hour sale from 12 to 2AM.
Flipkart also offers 10% instant cash back on HDFC Bank debit/credit cards and EMI transactions. The ‘Superr Sale’ will be on 25th August 2018, however Flipkart Plus Members can avail early access starting at 9:00 PM on 24th August 2018. You can check out all the details on Flipkart website here.