Samsung launched the Galaxy Note9 smartphone in India last month starting at Rs. 67900, after it went on pre-order a couple of weeks before it, offering a chance to own a Samsung Gear Sport smartwatch for Rs. 4,999 (Originally costs Rs. 22,990). Today the company has announced a new limited offer that will offer the buyers the recently-launched Galaxy Watch (42mm) at Rs. 9999 (Originally costs Rs. 24,990).
The limited period offer starts today, September 26th and is available till 20th October. The redemption starts from 15th October. The offer is live through Samsung stores offline, and should go live online soon.
Samsung already offers Rs.6,000 cashback and No Cost EMI on HDFC Credit Card, No cost EMI on starting from ₹7543.80/month on leading Credit cards and Bajaj Finserv, Rs. 6,000 Paytm cashback on buying at Paytm Mall and additional Rs.6,000 value with exchange on select smartphone.