Telegram Messenger for Android and iOS updated with support for custom languages, Instant View 2.0 and more

Telegram’s Translations Platform allows you to suggest a better wording for Telegram interfaces in any language. The company has pushed out an update which brings equal treatment to the smaller linguistic communities around the world. Anyone can now use the translation platform to create their own custom language packs – and translate Telegram into any minority language or local dialect.

To translate the interface of your app, simply follow the dedicated sharing link of the desired language. Sharing links can be obtained in the translation panel. Each language also gets its own public group for discussions. Once a user switches to your translation, all changes you apply in the interface will be applied immediately.

Custom Language

Telegram’s Instant View technology allows Telegram users to view web pages in a consistent way. The company with the latest update; 2.0 is expanding the feature with support for right-to-left languages, blocks of related articles, image links, tables, nested lists, horizontal scrolling, collapsible text blocks and much more. The new Telegram for iOS 5.1 features around 400 minor improvements.

The latest update for Android brings version number to 5.0 and received a major overhaul in the design department. It is now much easier to access shared media from the profiles of users, groups, and channels. Shared media now offers high-quality crisp previews, increased loading speed, more info in the links and files sections, and more efficient design. The Settings screens were redesigned for a more streamlined experience.

Telegram Photo Selector

It also upgraded the photo selector for profile pictures so that you can choose the correct head to be displayed on your profile. You can zoom videos during playback and browse full-resolution images sent as documents just like normal photos, by swiping left and right.

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