Google app for iOS finally gets Google Lens visual search

Google Lens visual search feature is finally rolling out to the Google app for iOS. Google Lens for iOS landed through Google Photos app. The new visual implementation in the Google app features a live viewfinder instead of adding a photo from camera rolls or snap a picture. 

The search bar at the top of the Google app now includes a Lens icon next to voice search. The app requires camera permission and agree to other terms and services. Google Lens can help you find similar looking products, like shoes or other clothing and has a very straightforward interface. Users can tap on an object or text in the viewfinder to begin the search.

Points of interest will be highlighted, and results will appear from the bottom sheet. Controls include turning on the flash and opening your photo gallery to have Lens analyze an existing image. It comes with other abilities like copy Text Try phone numbers, dates, and addresses, search Similar products, identify plants and animals, discover books & media, scan codes. Google Lens update is already rolling out widely and can be downloaded from the App Store.

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