Google to end support for Android Beam API, Live Cases seamless setup for Pixel and Nexus series

Google is shutting down support for Android Beam API that uses NFC to initiate a connection between two devices. Since NFC can’t really be used to transfer large files, the two devices then connect over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi Direct to transfer files.

However, the API isn’t going away overnight, Google is placing the feature behind a new Android platform feature flag called android.sofware.nfc.beam. Meaning, future devices running Android Q, Android Beam support will not be enabled by default. Device makers will have to declare support for just like they already declare support for NFC.

It is unclear if Google would add new requirements to the Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) to force future devices launching or updating to Android Q to not declare support for Android Beam. Google is also dropping support for seamlessly setting up Live Cases. Live Cases were a way for people to not only pick a case design of their liking but to also theme their phone with a live wallpaper that matches the case.

Google made the service was made fully available with the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, and it first experimented with Skrillex-branded Live Cases for the Nexus 6. Live Cases made a comeback for the first-generation Pixel and Pixel XL with a shortcut button that added extra functionality like showing the user more information about a location being shown on the live wallpaper or showing the user trending searches in the area.

Google no longer sells Live Cases, and the customizable cases that you can get with the Pixel 2 or Pixel 3 don’t use NFC to set a matching wallpaper. Hence it makes sense for Google to drop the support and removing the code from AOSP that made it possible for Live Cases to be seamlessly set up. Google is preparing to remove the functionality in Android’s NFC system app which made it possible for Live Cases to send data over NFC when the phone is locked.

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