Google Chrome to filter disruptive ads on websites starting July 9th

Google has announced that it will be rolling out the ad filter designed to block intrusive and disruptive ads in Chrome worldwide later this year. Starting July 9th, the company will prevent any advertisements that violate the Coalition for Better Ads’ Better Ads Standards from appearing on sites. 

Once the filter is enabled worldwide, Google will block out 12 different types of ads that users might find annoying to deal with. This includes pop-ups, auto-playing videos, full-screen ads, and prestitial ads that appear before the content of a page loads. Google says that if a website is found to be repeatedly displaying any of the ad types that are blocked by the filter, it will stop display all ads on its pages. Google is giving publishers and advertisers tools to access if their current ads would pass the filter.

Google introduced the ad filtering process to Chrome for users in the US, Canda, and Europe some time ago. Google claims that the filter system has pushed a significant number of publishers to adopt better ads. Google also reported that less than one percent of sites have had their ads filtered, this means that most of the sites on the web are avoiding annoying and intrusive advertisements.


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