Huami has launched Verge , the company’s latest smartwatch in India. It was introduced in China last year. It comes with a water resistant body with IP68 ratings, comes with continuous heart rate monitoring, has an 1.3-inch AMOLED Screen, lets you take calls from the watch when connected to the phone over Bluetooth since it has microphone and speakers, has 11 Sports Modes, including Run, Climb, Tennis, Skiing, Soccer, Cycling and more.
It has GPS + GLONASS to precisely track your sports activities and promises up to 5 days of battery life.
Amazfit Verge specifications
- 1.3-inch (360 x 360 pixels) AMOLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection
- 1.2GHz dual-core processor
- 512MB RAM, 4GB eMMC
- Dust and Water Resistant (IP68)
- Bluetooth 4.0 LE, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, NFC, GPS+GLONASS
- Android-based Amazfit OS, Compatible with Android 4.4 devices or later, iOS 9.0 or later
- Weight: 46g
- Detailed sports tracking: running, walking, cycling, elliptical, climbing, skiing, and more
- Optical heart rate monitor (PPG)
- Sensors: Accelerometer, Ambient Light Sensor, Gyroscope, geomagnetic sensor, air pressure sensor, wearing detection sensor
- 390mAh battery with up to 5 days of battery life
The Amazfit Verge comes in Sky Grey, Twilight Blue and Moonlight White, is priced at Rs. 11,999 and will be available exclusively on starting from tomorrow, January 15th.
Commenting on the launch Mark Mau, Senior Overseas Sales Director, Huami, said:
At Huami, it is our endeavor to provide our customers with the best of both, fashion and technology. For the launch of Amazfit Verge in India, we have amplified the technological features on the wrist while maintaining our aesthetically fashioned designs. With wellness being such a strong part of an individual’s daily life, we know that our fans will fall in love with Amazfit Verge. India is a growing and promising market for smart wearables and this year we will be investing heavily in the region to achieve robust growth.