Samsung launched the Galaxy M20 smartphone earlier this week. We already brought you the first impressions and benchmarks of the smartphone, here we have the camera samples. It has a 13-megapixel rear camera with 1/3.1″ Samsung S5K3L6 ISOCELL Fast sensor, 1.12μm pixel size and f/1.9 aperture, PDAF along with a 5-megapixel 120-degree ultra-wide lens lens with f/2.2 aperture. It has an 8-megapixel camera on the front with f/2.0 aperture.
Since this comes with an 120° Ultra Wide Lens, you can switch between the normal 78-degree Field Of View main camera and 120-degree Field Of View wide-angle camera easily.
Even though there is Live Focus, this uses software to blur the background in the images since the wide-angle sensor cannot be used for it. The software blur works only on the face, and not for objects. Unlike Samsung phones with depth sensor, this doesn’t let you adjust the bokeh effect before or after the shot. There is selfie portrait option for the front camera that also uses software to blur the background.
It has Auto mode, Panorama, Pro, Beauty as well as Pro mode to adjust ISO, Shutter speed, focus, white balance and exposure manually. It also has AR stickers that lets you add stickers.
Coming to the image quality, daylight shots are good, and the camera captures a good amount of detail, creates well exposed photos with good dynamic range and detailing, and dynamic range can further be improved enabling HDR mode from the seetings. The autofocus speeds are fast and accurate. Macro shots are good as well. Live focus is not the best in detecting the edges since it is done by the software, and the wide-angle lens is useful in several places. Even though the edges look a bit curved due to the lens, but the ‘Shape Correction’ option in the gallery lets you fix it. Low-light performance is just average, and there is a lot of noise. Images with flash is good even in closeups and is not over powering.
The 8-megapixel front camera is decent when there is enough light. Since there is no flash on the front, you can’t expect good indoor performance. Again the software blur in the live focus mode struggles to detect the edges.
Check out some camera samples (Click the image for the full resolution sample).
It can record videos at maximum 1080p resolution at 30 fps. Video quality is decent, and the audio crisp since it has a secondary microphone. Check out the video sample below.
We will bring you the complete review of the smartphone soon.