Nokia launches Nokia Magnifier Magnifying Glass

Well if you have a Nokia smart phone options are that you can well go ahead and dump your magnifying glasses as Nokia have launched a new application in the Nokia beta labs , called, Nokia Magnifier.

In short its a magnifying glass for your smartphone.

Nokia Magnifier application utilizes the existing camera functionality on your Nokia S60 phone. It can be used to improve readability in every-day life situations such as reading “fine print”. Anyone who has difficulty seeing “fine print” or small objects can benefit from using this application readily available on their S60 phone. Nokia Magnifier  has a built in stabilizer to reduce the effects of a shaky hand and negative filter enabling users  to switch from light to dark backgrounds improving readability. By using the existing camera technology, users can also snap a picture of the enhanced image for later reference.

While Nokia Magnifier works on N95, N95 8G, N82, E90 it does not work with camera phones that do not have a camera with auto zoom feature.

It is developed by the Nokia accessability initiative Team.

check out the video to the app in action


You can download the application from here if you would like to try it out :  Nokia Magnifier

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