Google Duo finally available on the web

Google has finally launched Duo video calling on the web with supported browsers include Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. The interface is fairly simple; it shows recent contacts listed at the top, full list of all contacts placed below. Google Duo on the web supports browser notifications for incoming calls.

While users on other browsers seem to be having issues accessing the Duo for the web, it seems to be perfectly working for Chrome users accessing it via their non-G Suite accounts. To know if Google Duo for the web is working on your account, simply head over to, if you see a new interface, Duo for the web is working for. But, if you’re still seeing the old Duo landing page, you don’t have access to the web client yet.

Since Google is yet to formally announce Duo for the web, more details should most probably come our way in the next couple of days. Stay tuned.

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