Samsung introduced the Galaxy A50 recently, and it was also launched in India at a competitive price tag a few days back. Now the company is gearing up to introduce the Galaxy A60, and the specifications of the phone has surfaced online. This reveals a slightly later 6.7-inch Infinity-U Super AMOLED display, Snapdragon 675 SoC instead of Exynos 9610 SoC, up to 8GB of RAM and an improved 32-megapixel camera while retaining the 5-megapixel depth sensor for Live Focus and an 8-megapixel Ultra Wide lens.
This is said to feature an improved 32-megapixel front camera, retain the in-dispaly fingerprint scanner, and pack a slightly larger 4500mAh battery with support for fast charging.
Samsung Galaxy A60 rumored specifications
- 6.7-inch (2340 x 1080 pixels) Full HD+ Infinity-U Super AMOLED display
- 2GHz Octa-Core Snapdragon 675 Mobile Platform with Adreno 612 GPU
- 6GB / 8GB RAM with 128GB Storage, expandable up to 512GB via micro SD card
- Android 9.0 (Pie) with Samsung One UI
- Dual SIM
- 32MP rear camera with LED flash, 5MP depth sensor with f/2.2 aperture, 8MP ultra-wide angle camera with f/2.2 aperture
- 32MP front camera
- In-display Fingerprint sensor
- 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio
- Dual 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 ac (2.4GHz + 5GHz), Bluetooth 5, GPS + GLONASS, NFC, USB Type-C
- 4500mAh battery with fast charging
The Samsung Galaxy A60 is rumored to be introduced on April 19th. We should get the images of the phone before that.