Along with the Samsung Galaxy S10 series of smartphones, the company also launched the Galaxy Buds, wireless earbuds in India. These earbuds design by AKG were announced last month, and features Ambient Sound allows you to hear your surroundings clearly even while the buds are in your ears. The Adaptive Dual Microphone uses one inner microphone and one outer microphone in each earbud, so you can deliver your voice clearly in both loud and quiet environments.
The compact case with 252mAh battery holds a charge for up to seven hours and gives the Galaxy Buds 1.7 hours on a 15-minute quick charge. It also comes with device-to-device power sharing that offers quick charging boost on the go from Galaxy S10.It has Bluetooth 5.0, USB-C and come with Bixby integration that lets you activate your intelligent assistant quickly without ever picking up your phone.
Samsung Galaxy Buds specifications
- 5.8pi Dynamic Driver
- Bixby intelligent assistant to make calls, send text messages or check the battery life of earbuds
- Bluetooth v5.0
- Compatible with phones running Android 5.0 or later with 1.5GB RAM or more
- Sensors: Accelerometer, Proximity, Hall, Touch, Ear on/off detection
- Audio: Audio Codec: SBC, AAC, Scalable (Samsung proprietary)
- Dimensions – Earbud:5.6g per earbud; Case:38.8 (W) x 70 (D) x 26.5 (H) mm; Weight – Earbud: 8.0g per earbud / Case: 39.6g
- Battery: 58mAh (Earbuds) / 252mAh (Charging Case), Play time: up to 6 hours; Talk time: up to 5 hours
The Samsung Galaxy Buds comes in Black, White and Yellow colors, is priced at Rs. 9990 and can be purchased from Samsung online store. It will be available from offline stores as well as other online stores starting from tomorrow, March 8th.