Xiaomi today announced that it will launch the Redmi Go, the company’s first Android Go Edition smartphone in India on March 19th. Flipkart has also started teasing the phone. It was announced earlier this year and packs a 5-inch HD screen, Snapdragon 425 SoC with 1GB of RAM, 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, 5-megapixel front camera, 4G LTE with dedicated SIM slots and a 3000mAh battery.
Xiaomi Redmi Go specifications
- 5-inch (1280 x 720pixels) HD 16:9 display with 380 nits brightness, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 72% NTSC Color Gamut
- 1.4GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon 425 Mobile Platform with Adreno 308 GPU
- 1GB RAM, 8GB internal storage, expandable memory up to 128GB with microSD
- Android 8.1 (Oreo Go Edition)
- Dual SIM
- 8MP rear camera with LED Flash, f/2.0 aperture, 1.12μm pixel size
- 5MP front-facing camera with f/2.2 aperture, 1.12μm pixel size
- Dimensions:140.4x 70.1 x 8.35mm; Weight: 137g
- 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS
- 3000mAh battery
The Xiaomi Redmi Go smartphone comes in Black and Blue colors and was introduced in Philippines at 3,990 Philippine Piso ($ 75 / ₹ 5,240 approx.). We should know the price of the phone in India when it is launched next Tuesday.