Xiaomi Mi Sports Shoes 2 Photo Gallery

Xiaomi launched the Mi Men’s Sports Shoes 2 in India under Mi Crowdfunding last month, and the company started shipping the shoes a few days ago. As per the company, these are created using Uni-Moulding process, are Shock-absorbent, have anti-slip design and are durable for machine wash. Check out the photo gallery of the Dark Grey version.

It is engineered with breakthrough 5-in-1 Uni-Moulding technology that combines 5 different materials to minimize wear damage. This technology will keep the stitching on the soles intact for long-lasting usage.

The 10-fishbone structure improves balance while offering the needed arch support and reducing the chance of sprains.

Strong suspension offers reduced impact — Uni-body Suspension Balancing patch.

Offers stronger grip with excellent forward momentum.

It is machine-washable so it is easy to clean.

The Mi Sports Shoes 2 comes in Blue, Black and Dark Grey colors in UK sizes from 6 to 11 and are priced at Rs. 2,999, these were available for Rs 2,499 under Mi crowdfunding with a discount of Rs. 500. As of now, the product is out of stock on mi.com, and we do not know if Xiaomi has any plans to make it available in the near future.

[Update: Xiaomi has announced that it will go on sale from April 4th]

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