Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 7 smartphone along with Redmi Note 7 Pro on February 28 in India. We already brought you the camera samples and review of the smartphone, and as promised here we have the Stock Camera and Google Camera photo comparison.
The Redmi Note 7 packs dual cameras at the back arranged in a vertical array, the primary shooter is a 12-megapixel Sony IMX486 sensor with f/2.2 aperture and large 1.25μm pixel size, PDAF and EIS which is accompanied by another 2-megapixel secondary depth sensor for portrait shots, the LED flashlight can be found below the camera module. On the front, it features a 13-megapixel front camera with f/2.0 aperture and 1.12μm pixel size.
Xiaomi has enabled Cam2API by default on a Redmi device for the first time, so users can sideload ported Google Camera apks for advanced editing including RAW capture, a working apk can be downloaded from here. Check out some camera samples (Click the image to view the full resolution sample.)
Images shot with stock camera app are warmer while the images shot with GCam are cooler. Images shot with the stock camera app look more pleasing to the eyes while the images shot with GCam are closer to reality. HDR on stock camera app helps to bring more details but the HDR shots on GCam are much more detailed, thanks to the HDR+ on the GCam.
The Night mode on the stock camera app seems better in certain conditions as compared to the Night Sight on the GCam. The portrait shots clicked with GCam are much detailed as compared to the ones clicked with the stock camera app. To sum it up, the stock camera app does a decent job when it comes to camera performance but GCam certainly enhances the camera performance by a huge margin in case of HDR and Portrait shots. Also, check out the complete review of the phone here.
Credits for porting GCam to the device goes to the respective developer.