After Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Punjab and Mumbai, Airtel has deployed 900 Mhz (LTE 900) spectrum band in Karnataka to significantly enhance the network experience for smartphone customers. In addition to high speed data capacity and wider availability, 900 Mhz spectrum will offer improved 4G availability inside buildings — homes, offices and malls.
In Karnataka, Airtel already uses 2300 Mhz (TD LTE) and 1800 Mhz (FD LTE) in addition to 900 Mhz (LTE 900) spectrum. Airtel has already deployed advanced network technologies and tools such as pre-5G Massive MIMO, 4G Advanced and Carrier Aggregation to step up high speed network capacity and coverage.
Airtel recently announced that it will expand its network in the state by rolling out 13000 new sites and 4500 Km of optic fiber during FY 19 under its network transformation program — Project Leap.
C. Surendran, CEO – Karnataka, Bharti Airtel said:
Our endeavor is to deliver best-in-class network experience to our customers. The deployment of LTE 900 will further boost Airtel 4G coverage, particularly inside homes and buildings. Airtel smartphone customers will enjoy a seamless high speed data and HD quality calling experience on our upgraded network. We will continue to invest aggressively in deployment of latest network technologies to delight our customers.