Telegram updated with Archived Chats, option to Pin unlimited chats and more

Right after WhatsApp, Telegram gained popularity very quickly and in some cases, the application is being considered better than WhatsApp in terms of feature it provides. In a recent development, Telegram has rolled out new updates with a new design on Android, the option to archived chats and many more.

Archived chat: Now, you can swipe left on a chat to transfer it to your archived chats folder. When an archived chat gets a notification, it will pop out of the folder and back into your chat list. Muted chats will stay archived forever.

Pin unlimited messages: Pin an unlimited number of chats in your archive to keep your messages in the order you want.

Bulk action: Now you can make use of Bulk action on your chat list by long tap on a chat to open the new menu where you can select multiple chats and then pin, mute, archive or delete them, all faster than ever before.

Quick forward: This latest update also lets you select messages and quick forward using the button which appears right under your thumb.

In addition to it, you also get an expanded chat list, where you can see more text from the messages, new streamlined sharing menu, new design for sticker packs, clearing your recently used stickers (only on iOS), and more. In addition to it, can now instantly see who’s online from the chat list and sharing menu to find out who else might be watching cat videos in the middle of the night.


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