Samsung launched the Galaxy A50 mid-range smartphone in India earlier this year. It was launched at a price of Rs. 19,990 for the 4GB RAM with 64GB storage variant and Rs. 22,990 for the 6GB RAM with 64GB internal storage variant. Today, the smartphone has received an Rs.1500 price cut in India and will be available to buy with the revised prices starting today.
Samsung Galaxy A50 4GB RAM with 64GB storage variant has received an Rs.1500 price cut and will now retail for Rs. 18,490. It was sold earlier for Rs. 19,990. The 6GB RAM with 64GB internal storage variant has also received an Rs.1500 price cut and will now retail for Rs. 21,490. It was sold earlier for Rs. 22,990.
The revised prices are already live on Samsung India’s website, Flipkart and Amazon.
Smartphone | Launch Price | New Price | Price cut |
Samsung Galaxy A50 | Rs.19,990(4+64) | Rs.18,490(4+64) | Rs.1500 |
Rs.22,990(6+64) | Rs.21,490(6+64) | Rs.1500 |
To remind you, Samsung Galaxy A50 has a 6.4-inch Full HD+ Infinity-U Super AMOLED display, is powered by the latest Exynos 7 Series 9610 10nm processor with 6GB of RAM and runs Android Pie. It packs a 4000mAh battery with support for fast charging. It has Bixby Vision, Bixby Voice, Bixby Home, and Bixby Reminder.
It has an in-display fingerprint scanner and a triple rear cameras 25-megapixel camera with f/1.7 aperture, 5-megapixel Depth sensor for Live Focus and an 8-megapixel Ultra Wide lens. Check out our Samsung Galaxy A50 review here.