Xiaomi’s Redmi brand introduced the first Redmi Note 7 smartphone in China back in January, and the Redmi Note 7 Pro made its global debut in India in February. Today the company has announced that the combined sales of Redmi Note 7 and Note 7 Pro have hit 10 million units globally in about four months or 129 days of launch. Earlier this month the company announced that it has sold 2 million or 20 lakh units of Redmi Note 7 series in India in 2 months
The Redmi Note 7 Series sales hit 4 million units globally on March 29th, so it has added 6 million units in just 55 days. The company recently launched Redmi Note 7S in India, which will replace the Redmi Note 7 in the country.
WOW! What an amazing accomplishment!
Globally we have sold over 10 million Redmi Note 7 series in just 129 days, marking another major milestone for the awesome #RedmiNote7 series.
We couldn’t have gotten to this landmark moment without our amazing Mi Fans!#NoMiWithoutYou pic.twitter.com/Kx7NlkNNEF— Xiaomi #5GIsHere (@Xiaomi) May 27, 2019
The company is all set to introduce the Redmi K20 series in China tomorrow, which will also be launched in India soon.