Unlimited Email and Instant Messaging plan for Rs.499 on Airtel BlackBerry

Airtel and Research In Motion (RIM) introduced a new service plan specifically for Airtel customers in India.

The BlackBerry® Personal Mail service plan is an innovative offering that provides Airtel customers with unlimited email and instant messaging (IM) on BlackBerry® smartphone for just Rs. 499 per month. It is the first service plan priced at less than Rs. 500 to offer unlimited email and IM to BlackBerry smartphone customers in the Indian market.

Unlimited BB Rentals as high as Rs.1500 . And this plan comes as a surprise.

Looks like users are using accessing email from their devices much more nowadays.

And interestingly RIM has started to sell Unlocked BBs in India. We will update you on tat as well

“It is our strategic intent and single minded focus to consistently offer innovative products and services that deliver convenience and value to our customers,” said Mr. Sanjay Gupta, Chief Marketing Officer, Mobile Services, Airtel. “With the BlackBerry Personal Mail service plan, we are extending the market to a wider segment, allowing customers such as young professionals, small business owners and students to access their email on the move and stay seamlessly connected with instant messaging on their BlackBerry smartphones.”

Ms. Frenny Bawa, Vice President, India at Research In Motion said, “We are pleased to work with Airtel to bring the rich communications features and unique user experience offered by the BlackBerry solution in a unique offering to customers in India. The new BlackBerry Personal Mail service plan from Airtel is an attractive offering that will enable more users to choose and enjoy BlackBerry smartphones.”

The BlackBerry Personal Mail service plan offers unlimited access to the industry-leading email and instant messaging features on the BlackBerry platform, allowing Airtel customers to access up to 10 supported POP3/IMAP email accounts (including most popular ISP email accounts such as Yahoo! Mail and Google Mail) as well as various instant messaging services (including Windows Live Messenger, GTalk, Yahoo! Messenger and BlackBerry® Messenger) from a single device.

Via: Press Release

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