Earlier this year, Samsung launched the Galaxy M10 smartphone with Infinity-V display alongside the Galaxy M20 starting at Rs. 7990. The smartphone also got Android Pie update earlier last month. After 5 months of launch, today, the Galaxy M10 has received a price cut in India.
Samsung Galaxy M10 has received a Rs. 1000 price cut and now the 2GB RAM with 16GB storage variant is selling at Rs. 6990 against its original price of Rs. 7990 and the 3GB RAM with 32GB storage variant is selling at Rs. 7990 against its original selling price of Rs. 8990. The revised prices are live on Amazon.in and is expected to be available from Samsung India website too.
Smartphone | Old Price | New Price | Price cut |
Samsung Galaxy M10 | Rs. 7990(2+16GB) | Rs. 6990 (2+16GB) | Rs. 1000 |
Rs. 8990(3+32GB) | Rs. 7990(3+32GB) | Rs. 1000 |
To recall, Samsung Galaxy M10 flaunts a 6.2-inch HD+ infinity-V display and is powered by Exynos 7870 14nm octa-core processor. It sports a 13-megapixel primary rear camera with f/1.9 aperture and a secondary rear camera has a 5-megapixel 120-degree ultra-wide lens. It features a dedicated dual SIM and microSD slots and Dual 4G VoLTE and comes with a 3430mAh battery. However, there is no fingerprint scanner on the Galaxy M10.