Along with the K20 series smartphones Xiaomi also launched its new 27W Superfast charger, which it calls SonicCharge adapter, as expected. The company launched the 18W Quick Charge 3.0 charger last year. The new 27W SonicCharge fast charger will be useful for those who have Redmi K20 Pro since it comes only with 18W charger in the box. Xiaomi only mentions Quick Charge 3.0 support for the new charger on the site.
At the launch the company said that the charger can charge the Redmi K20 Pro’s 4000mAh battery up to 58% in half an hour, and 15-minute charge will offer over 10 hours of 4G talk time.
It has power output of 5V/3A, 9V/3A, 12V/2.25A, weighs 86.3 grams and can withstand voltage surges up to 380V, similar to chargers that come bundled with its smartphones. It also has automatic temperature control to prevent over heating, says Xiaomi. It doesn’t come with a USB cable in the box.
The Mi 27W SonicCharge fast charger comes only in white color, is priced at Rs. 999 and is available on