After the launch of Amazfit Verge Lite in India earlier this month, Huami Corporation is all set to launch the Amazfit GTR smartwatch in India soon on Flipkart. It will launch the 47mm version with Stainless Steel and Aluminium casing with a leather strap and Titanium version with a fluororubber strap. It has a 1.39-inch AMOLED display with 326PPI pixel density, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection and 5 ATM water resistance.
The Amazfit GTR has support for 12 sports modes, such as walking, running or swimming, to climbing and skiing, GPS+GLONASS, BioTracker PPG for 24-hour uninterrupted accurate heart rate monitoring, sedentary reminder, all-day health monitoring, sleep analysis and more. It is optimized for standby, bright-screen and sport modes, optimizing the power consumption of the watch, offering up to 24 days of battery life with normal use.
Amazfit GTR specifications
- 1.39-inch (454 x 454 pixels) AMOLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection, AF Coating
- Supports Android 5.0 and above, iO S10.0 and above
- BioTracker PPG Bio-Tracking Optical Sensor,6-Axis Accelerometer , 3 Axial Geomagnetic Sensor, Air Pressure Sensor, Capacitive Sensor, Ambient Light Brightness Sensor
- Bluetooth 5.0 LE, GPS + GLONASS
- Dimensions: 47.2 x 47.2 x 10.75 mm; Weight: 36g (aluminum alloy), 48g (stainless steel), 40g (titanium metal)
- Water-resistant and dust-resistant (5ATM / 50 meters)
- 410mAh LiPo battery with up to 24-days battery life with normal use, up to 74 days in basic watch mode
It is expected to launch in early September. We should know more details in the coming days.