realme launched the realme 5 smartphone in India last month running ColorOS 6.0 realme edition based on Android 9.0 (Pie). To recall, realme 5 packs a 6.5-inch HD+ mini-drop notch display and is powered by Snapdragon 665 11nm SoC with up to 4GB RAM, the phone has a 12-megapixel rear camera with f/1.8 aperture, AI scene recognition, 8-megapixel 119° ultra-wide angle lens, 2-megapixel depth sensor and a 2-megapixel sensor for 4cm macro shots. It has a huge 5000mAh battery and a plastic back with crystal design that offers a combination of a glossy surface and nano-scale texture.
As per an official post on realme Community, realme has started rolling out a new Android Pie based ColorOS update to realme 5 smartphone users in India. The new update comes as RMX1911EX_11_A.13_190909_81277b1e and is about 750 MBs in size, but it still has August 2019 security patch. The update brings Digital Wellbeing and camera enhancements including clarity in HDR mode, improved the clarity and preview effect in portrait mode in night scene along with bug fixes to improve system stability.
realme has confirmed that it is a staged roll out and will be randomly pushed to a limited number of users and will have a broader roll out in a few days after the company makes sure there are no critical bugs. If no critical bugs are found, the build will be rolled out to all the users in upcoming days, so it may take some time before it appears on your device. realme recently announced Project X beta testing for the realme 3 pro which could be beta testing for the company’s realme OS.
Yesterday, at realme XT launch event, realme also announced Android 10 update roadmap for its smartphones, and as per the announced schedule, the realme 5 will get Android 10 update in Q2 2020.
Check out the changelogs below,
Improved system stability
Added Digital Wellbeing
Optimized the multi-finger touch experience for some third-party apps
Improved the clarity and preview effect in portrait mode in night scene
Improved the clarity in HDR mode
Improved the effect of the rear main camera in zoom mode
Improved the color performance and clarity of the front camera
Improved the color performance of macro photography
Source | Thanks, Maitreyi for providing screenshots.