Nexus one got an OTA (over the air) update to Android 2.2.2 . And no, this is not a major update. This update brings in some security and bug fixes. No Gingerbread for the Nexus One owners yet. The update is expected to fix the long standing SMS bug in Android.
Though Google has assured that Gingerbread for the Nexus One will be out soon, they haven’t given us the right date or time of release. Many including me were expecting Gingerbread running on our N1 already by now. It’s been more than a month now, and there’s still nothing more than small updates like the one being rolled out. And we hate the fact. On the other side, Google’s second Android phone has already gingerbread running on it.
To check for update goto settings and check for updates. The update is sized at around 558kb. And the build is FRG83G.
Or geeks, here is the direct download link : Download
Source : AndroidCentral