Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 8 smartphone in India running MIUI 10.3 Global Stable on top of Android 9.0 (Pie) back in 2019. Xiaomi doesn’t follow any fixed update frequency for the MIUI Global Stable ROM but on average, the Global Stable ROM is updated once a couple of months. The Redmi Note 8 has already started receiving Android 11 based MIUI 12.5 update.
MIUI 12 brings all-new design and animations along with new features such as Super Wallpapers, Floating Window, New Control Center, Enhanced Privacy Protection features such as Interceptor, Flare, Hidden Mask Mode, and more to the devices, check out this post to learn more about MIUI 12 features.
This post will help our readers in keeping track of MIUI updates for Redmi Note 8 (codename ‘ginkgo’), also check out our Redmi Note 8 content.
- Redmi Note 8 Long Term Review: Another reliable Redmi Note?
- Redmi Note 8 vs Redmi Note 7 Pro: The best Redmi Note at under 12k?
- Android 10 based DerpFest ROM for Redmi Note 8
- Android 10 based Extended UI for Redmi Note 8
- Android 10 based Pixel Experience Plus for Redmi Note 8
Note that Xiaomi follows staged roll-out, so the updates are randomly pushed to a limited number of users and a broader roll-out usually takes a few days after the company makes sure there are no critical bugs.
Also take a look at Xiaomi, Redmi and POCO MIUI 13 Update Tracker
Redmi Note 8 MIUI 12.5 Updates,
- [Jan 17, 2022]: Redmi Note 8 MIUI 12.5 Enhanced update with firmware version MIUI is now rolling out widely in India. The OTA update weighs 656MBs in size, and the changelogs remain the same as Pilot version. [Download Link]
- [Jan 6, 2022]: Redmi Note 8 MIUI 12.5 Enhanced update is now rolling out for Pilot testers in India. It comes with firmware version MIUI, weighs 656MBs in size, and brings December Android security patch to the device.
MIUI12.5 Enhanced Swift performance. More life between the charges. Focused algorithms: Our new algorithms will dynamically allocate system resources based on specific scenes, ensuring smooth experience on all models. Atomized memory: Ultra-fine memory management mechanism will make RAM usage more efficient. Liquid storage: New sensitive storage mechanisms will keep your system vibrant and responsive as time goes by. Smart balance: Core system improvements allow your device to make the best of the flagship hardware specs. System Updated Android Security Patch to December 2021. Increased system security.
- [Dec 8, 2021]: Redmi Note 8 MIUI 12.5 update is now rolling out for Pilot testers in Global regions (excluding India). The update comes with version MIUI We can expect the company to roll out MIUI 12.5 update for the Redmi Note 8 in other regions as well in the coming weeks.
Redmi Note 8 MIUI 12 Updates,
- [Nov 25, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out Android 11 update for Redmi Note 8 users in India. The update comes as MIUI V12.0.1.0.RCOINXM, has October Android security patch, brings 1GB extended RAM, and is 2.2GB in size. Several users have reported that enabling extended RAM affects the system performance, so we would advise our readers to not enable memory extension. [Download Link]
Other Optimized system performance Improved system security and stability
- [Nov 16, 2021]: Popular Xiaomi-focused channel – Xiaomiui claims that Xiaomi will soon roll out Android 11 update for Redmi Note 8 Indian units. However, MIUI 12.5 update for the device might take some more time, the next version is said to be
- [Jul 7, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out Android 11 update for pilot testers in Europe, we can expect it to roll out in India soon.
- [Jan 28, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with January Android security patch. The OTA update weighs just 393MB in size. [Download Link]
- [Jan 6, 2021]: Xiaomi has released Android 11 based MIUI China Beta 21.1.5 ROM for the Redmi Note 8, so there are chances that Redmi Note 8 devices in other regions might get the update in the future. [Download Link]
- [Nov 10, 2020]: Xiaomi has finally started rolling out Android 10 based MIUI 12 Stable update in India. The update comes as MIUI and brings October Android security patch. The update weighs around 2.0GBs in size and brings all-new design and animations along with new features such as Floating Window, New Control Center, Enhanced Privacy Protection features such as Interceptor, Flare, Hidden Mask Mode and more to the devices, check out this post to learn more about MIUI 12 features. [Download Link]
Redmi Note 8 MIUI 11 Updates,
- [Sep 17, 2020]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with August Android security patch. The OTA update weighs just 253MB in size. [Download Link]
- [May 29, 2020]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with May Android security patch. The OTA update weighs 400MB in size. [Download Link]
- [Mar 26, 2020]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with March Android security patch. The update weighs 434 MB in size and brings app lock support for all the apps. [Download Link]
- [Feb 26, 2020]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with January security patch. The update weighs about 631 MB in size and brings multiple bug fixes. [Download Link]
- [Dec 6, 2019]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with November security patch. The update weighs about 226MB in size, brings minor bug fixes and improves system security and stability. [Download Link]
- [Nov 27, 2019]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with November Security patch. The update weighs about 664 MB in size and brings new features such as New Minimalistic Design, Quick Replies, New Dynamic Sound Effects, Redesigned Settings Menu, Mi Share, Floating Calculator, Updated Mi File Manager, Digital Wellbeing and more to the devices, check out this post to learn more about MIUI 11 features. [Download Link]
- [Oct 28, 2019]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI with September Security patch. The update weighs about 188MB in size and fixes the sound disappearing during calls issue. [Download Link]
- [Sep 21, 2019]: Xiaomi releases Android 9.0 (Pie) based kernel source codes for Redmi Note 8.