MC55 Enterprise Phone Unveiled by Motorola

Motorola A good news coming in for enterprise phone lovers.. Motorola have unveiled a business phone – Motorola MC55. You can view some snaps and check out a brief specifications of the phone In the following few lines.

Motorola MC55

Brief Specifications:

  • 3.5” 320X240 Touch Screen
  • OS – Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1
  • Querty Keyboard
  • Wireless LAN
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • Bar-Code Scanner, Etc

The handset will be available in two variants MC5590 and MC5574 that would be priced in between $1695 and $2135.


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Author: Deepak

As Deepak says - he is a die hard mobile freak and can hardly keep himself away from his mobiles. His passion for mobiles led him to an interview at India's popular news channel. He also blogs at