Nokia OVI Suite Update: brings easier contacts sync fixes connectivity problems

Nokia betalabs released an update for Nokia OVI Suite. This New Nokia Ovi Suite update is now available for download in NokiaBetaLabs. This new version comes with simplified contacts sync and critical fixes to device connectivity in Nokia Ovi Suite.


– Syncing contacts is now easier directly between your device and Manage your contacts online and sync them back whenever you need. From Nokia Ovi Suite, contacts sync has been removed
– Corrections to certain crash situations during calendar and task synchronization with Outlook
– Corrections to certain crash situations with contacts sync with Outlook
– Fixed error in first synchronization after updating Nokia Ovi Suite
– Corrections to device connectivity in first time user experience, first connectivity to device is now more reliable

Download the update HERE

P.S: Currently this update is only available in NokiaBetalabs and not via OVI suite update menu.

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