Huami launched several Amazfit smartwatches in India this year like the Bip, Bip Lite, GTS, and GTR. Expanding their lineup of smartwatches, Huami has now teased a new smartwatch and true wireless earbuds launch at CES 2020 which is scheduled from January 7th to January 10th, 2020.
The Amazfit Bip S smartwatch will be unveiled at CES 2020, and it will come with “ultra-long” battery life and will be “ultra-lightweight”, according to the teaser. The teaser video shows a glimpse of the smartwatch with a circular dial.
Furthermore, Huami has also teased the launch of its new true wireless earbuds with replaceable ear tips and a glossy finish. “The first Amazfit TWS headset is coming soon and there’s more”, reads the teaser. It should be interesting to see what new Huami has to offer with its first true wireless earbuds.
The company also said that they will announce “multiple series of new and innovative products”. We should know more information once these products are unveiled at CES 2020.