Telegram v5.14 update brings Polls 2.0 with Visible Votes, Multiple Answers, Quiz mode and more

Telegram has now been updated with version 5.14 and the new update brings Polls 2.0, the option to modify chat bubble corners and a download progress bar for Android. Polls 2.0 brings a lot of nice features like the ability to see who voted for what, polls with multiple answers and a neat little quiz type poll.

Earlier when creating Polls on telegram, there was only the option to create anonymous polls. Now with the new update, Telegram users can create polls where the entire group can see who voted for what. The option to create anonymous is still available though.

The second type of polls that Telegram allows is the option to create polls with multiple answers. This is useful when creating polls for which a playlist of songs or when scheduling events for groups. The third new type of poll Telegram added is the ability to create a mini quiz. The Quiz Mode type of poll lets users create a poll with only one correct answer and if answered right, Telegram will shower the chat screen with confetti.

Naturally, polls can only be created with in groups or in channel chats. Users can simply click the poll option in the attachment and choose the required type of poll. Telegram has also added the support for these new polls to the Bot API so that it can be created easily by Telegrams Bots too.

Along with this update, Telegram has added a customisation feature where users can change the roundness of their chat bubbles. A small but welcome feature. And finally, Android Telegram users will now see an exact progress bar when downloading or uploading a file in their chats.

You can install the Telegram 5.13 here from the Play Store and the App Store. Check out the complete change log for the update here.