SamsungĀ launched the Galaxy A30s and Galaxy A50s last year in India and the A50s got its first price cut in November 2019. It was available starting at Rs. 19,999 and now again, the Galaxy A50s has got another price cut in India which brings down the starting price to Rs. 17,499.
The Galaxy A50s 4GB RAM with a 128GB storage variant is now available at Rs. 17,499, a Rs. 2500 price cut and the 6GB RAM with 128GB storage variant is now available at Rs. 19,999, a Rs. 2000 price cut. The new prices are already reflecting on and Samsung India e-Store.
Smartphone | Launch Price | Old Price | New Price | Price Cut |
Samsung Galaxy A50s (4+128GB) | Rs. 22,999 | Rs. 19,999 | Rs. 17,499 | Rs. 2500 |
6GB + 128GB variant | Rs. 24,999 | Rs. 21,999 | Rs. 19,999 | Rs. 2000 |
To recall, Samsung Galaxy A50s flaunts a 6.4-inch Full HD+ Infinity-U Super AMOLED display, is powered by the new Exynos 7 Series 9611 10nm processor with 4GB of RAM and runs Android Pie, features upgraded 48-megapixel primary rear camera and a 32-megapixel front camera, while the 8-megapixel 123Ā° ultra-wide and 5-megapixel depth sensor on the back are the same. It packs a 4000mAh battery with 15W fast charging.