Xiaomi’s Redmi brand launched the Redmi Note 9 Pro and Note 9 Pro Max smartphones in India earlier this month. The Redmi Note 9 Pro went on first sale on Amazon.in, Mi.com and Mi Home Stores on 17th March, and at the launch event the company said that the Note 9 Pro Max will be available from Amazon.in, Mi.com and Mi Home Stores starting from March 25th. Now announced that the phone will not go on sale on the promised date and will be available soon without mentioned any tentative date.
This is due to state lockdowns across India due to Coronavirus. However, the second sale for the Redmi Note 9 Pro will happen today, 24th March at 12 noon as scheduled said the company, but it is not clear if there will be delays in delivery since most online stores have delayed delivery of non-essentials.
To remind you, the Note 9 Pro Max packs a 6.67-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 Protection, is powered by Snapdragon 720G 8nm SoC, 64-megapixel camera with Samsung GW1 sensor, 8-megapixel 120° ultra-wide angle lens, 5-megapixel 2cm macro sensor and a 2-megapixel depth sensor, 32-megapixel front camera, side-mounted fingerprint scanner, glass back with Aurua Balance design and Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection, dedicated dual SIM and microSD card slots, and a 5020mAh battery with 33W fast charging that can charge up to 50% in under 30 minutes.