Google launches Talkback braille Keyboard for blind people

Google has just launched a new accessibility feature for blind people called the Talkback braille keyboard. It is a new virtual keyboard that will be integrated directly into android, enabling a blind person to type fast and conveniently without any additional hardware.

Earlier, a blind person would require to connect an external braille keyboard to type anything in a smartphone. To make it convenient, Google has collaborated with braille developers and users to develop a keyboard that can be accessed easily within Android itself.

The keyboard has a standard 6-key layout, representing one of 6 braille dots which, when tapped, make any letter or symbol. For example, To type an “A” you would press dot 1 and to type a “B,” dots 1 and 2 together. It can be used to normally type anywhere and also allows the user to delete letters and words, add lines, and submit text.

To use the keyboard, the user must turn on Talkback in Accessibility in Settings. Select Braille Keyboard and follow the instructions to set it up. Google has also included a tutorial to help practice with the gestures. Talkback braille keyboard will support braille grade 1 and grade 2 initially in English and will rollout to all devices today from Android 5.0 and up.


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