Nokia has applied to the U.S. Patent Trademark Office with its interesting development. It works in the following way. There is a special button installed to the phone, in case of emergency the user presses it to activate the process ? the phone camera takes and sends a series of time-stamped snapshots or video clips with sound to a service center or a friend. It the phone has a GPS-receiver it also stamps the message with location.
Transmission can be discrete, with the phone apparently off, or obvious to warn an abductor that a call for help has been sent. If it is impossible to send the info, the phone stores it in memory and automatically transmits it as soon as possible. The emergency call can be halted by entering a personal code, so accidental false alarms can be averted.
Should the company make this idea a reality, there will be less problems to call emergency service. When you try call for help, you need to explain the situation, and this idea will make it easier.